



Informations sur l’activité

28 avril 2024 | 11 H 30

Description en anglais seulement.

Anti-Semitism: noun. Characterized by prejudice, hostility, or discrimination against Jewish people on religious, cultural, or ethnic grounds; anti-Jewish (Oxford English Dictionary). Though anti-semitism is condemned and even considered criminal by law in many democratic countries, it continues to emerge and persist in diverse forms. Why? Three writers, from three different backgrounds and cultures, Jewish and non-Jewish, approach the issue by way of literature. Featuring: Margo Glantz (Mexico, Las Genealogias) to be confirmed; Nora Krug (United States; Belonging/Heimat); Yuri Andrukhovych (Ukraine, My Europe, Lexique de mes villes intimes).

With the support of the Fédération ukrainienne du Canada, the Studio littéraire ukrainien de Montréal, and Ginny Stikeman.

Participants: Margo Glantz, Nora Krug, Yuri Andrukhovych

Moderator: Judith Weisz Woodsworth

Language(s): English, Ukrainian
Duration: 60 minutes